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Naomi Stephens | Permaculture Designer

5 Lazy Gardening Ideas to Transform your Yard Quickly

Updated: Mar 4

Are you an apartment gardener or someone with a small outdoor space who wants to transform their yard without spending hours working on it? If so, these are my five lazy gardening ideas! You can quickly create a garden oasis that is beautiful and functional.

I tend to move around a lot, and I'm moving house next week. You bet I plan on using these ideas to jump-start my yard because I don't want to start over again.

Not only will your hard work be rewarded with excellent results in no time - but you'll also get the satisfaction of knowing that you made something great come together through minimal effort! Read on to discover more.

1. Start a container garden

Container gardens are great for those who don't have the time or space to maintain a traditional garden.

Container gardening is the perfect way for busy people to spice up their outdoor areas without much effort. It allows even the laziest gardeners to significantly impact their yards without investing countless hours in weeding, pruning, and landscaping.

Containers come in all shapes and sizes, making them great for any space-big or small. Smaller containers can fit easily on balconies and patios, while more giant planters are perfect for yards with more room. There's enough variety in container gardening nowadays that you can create a garden atmosphere no matter your available space!

2. Use mulch around your trees and flower beds

Mulch helps retain moisture, prevents weeds, and adds aesthetic appeal to any yard.

Mulching around your trees, beds, and pots is the kind of gardening project that can transform any size yard quickly. Whether you live in a house with plenty of land for your plants or in an apartment with barely enough room for a pot - mulch can make all the difference.

Mulch retains moisture, so you won't have to water as much! It also prevents weeds from taking over, so less time is spent pulling out unwanted weeds. It also adds a quick and lazy way of adding a beautiful aesthetic to any garden or container.

You can use several items as mulch for your urban garden that are easy to find and inexpensive.

  • Leaves, grass clippings, or straws make excellent mulch materials and can be gathered from your yard or a neighbor's.

You can also buy decorative ready-to-use mulch nowadays; I recently used black mulch for my raised bed. You could also purchase mulch such as wood chips or straw from Amazon.

3. Take advantage of native plants

Native plants are necessary for local wildlife and require less upkeep than other plants.

Working with native plants is one of the easiest ways to get a quick and beautiful transformation in your outdoor space. They require less maintenance than other plants, so if you have a garden or want something to brighten up your balcony or patio, there are plenty of options for container gardens.

Even those living in apartments can take advantage of native plants, as many are small and perfect for even the most limited balcony gardens. From erecting an archway of colorful vines to planting a variety of blooms in hanging baskets and pots, creating a lush paradise without fuss is easier than you think with native plants!

How do you find out what plants are native to your area?

If you want to add native plants to your garden or balcony, the first step is finding out which species are local. Fortunately, there are many resources available that can help with this process.

  • Local nurseries and botanical gardens often have knowledgeable staff who can tell you about the native plants in your region.

  • State departments of natural resources provide lists of regional flora and fauna on their websites - so if you don't have a nursery nearby, this is a great place to start!

  • Arboretums and nature centers often host classes where experts teach people how to identify local plant life.

  • Finally, don't forget about online sources like gardening blogs, forums, and Facebook groups - they offer plenty of tips for identifying native plants in any area.

I was recently invited to a local WhatsApp group about native plants in Guam. The PDFs were shared resources, which I couldn't find anywhere online! Local knowledge is a potent tool.

4. Incorporate water features into your landscape

Water features bring life to any outdoor space and are incredibly peaceful.

Adding water features to your landscape is an easy way to bring a sense of calm and tranquillity to your outdoor area. From a fountain to a pond, the soothing sound of running water can create a relaxing atmosphere.

They also bring visual interest; what could be more beautiful than watching the sun sparkle off captivating ripples? Plus, you don't need too much effort unless you plan on building something elaborate. Suppose you're looking for a quick and lazy solution or want to listen to the gentle flow of a waterfall all season long. In that case, incorporating water features into your landscape is a great way to transform your yard into something special.

There are plenty of water features that you can buy and place somewhere in your garden; I plan on buying one from Amazon; check out my list here in my Amazon shop for beautiful water features for small spaces.

5. Buy the plants you want at a nursery

These plants are already established and can go straight into a pot or ground.

Buying well-established plants from a nursery is the quickest way to transform your yard. Don't be misguided into thinking that established plants are more expensive than starting from scratch.

Not only will you instantly have access to green patches, but your chances of success also increase as the plant has managed to survive through various seasonal environments. Before bringing them home, remember to shake off the soil around the roots and stems so that you don't bring any unwanted pests into your garden.


With these five ideas, your garden will be transformed in no time! Container gardens make it easy to grow plants on the go, mulch keeps things healthy and weed-free, local wildlife loves native plants, beautiful and serene water features, and you can easily buy pre-established plants at nurseries.

If you're a first-time gardener or an old pro, these five lazy gardening tips will make outdoor living a breeze--and won't take up too much of your valuable time.



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