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This is why small space gardening makes you a better version of yourself

Naomi Stephens | Permaculture Designer

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

My blog is dedicated to small space gardeners like myself for a reason.

For those of us who are living in city blocks with small spaces and yet still choosing to bring a piece of nature into the building, well I for one salute you. It is an act that is insignificant to most, but to me, the small act is a humble step in making you the better version of yourself. Here’s why

1. You are more likely to be at peace

There is a timeless peace of mind when we are checking on our garden or watering our plants. If you are lucky enough to see them while you are lounging, it’s so easy to glance at them and admire their beauty. We watch them move around, make new luscious green shoots. The absence of troubling thoughts helps bring peace and that's what plants do.

Recent statistics and studies have confirmed this. The National Garden Scheme conducted a survey on the effects of gardening during the lockdown. Need I say the results were a great confirmation of the peace gardening can give during the chaos.

100% of the small space gardeners in this study, having balconies or window boxes, said a key benefit was a reduction in stress. See the full article here

2. You are the living semblance of the weed defiantly growing out of the concrete

I always silently cheered for the ‘weed’ growing through the pavement cracks. Nature overpowers even the most vigorous attempts, to suppress its persistent efforts to thrive.

As we move into urban cities, much of nature has been sealed beneath the pavements.

We do ourselves a great service by allowing nature to grow in our homes. Our oxygen is cleaner, thanks to plants filtering the air for us.

We also have fresh organic real living produce to eat whether it's a full-blown salad we've grown or kitchen herbs added to a dish.

3. You are nurturing

Similar to being a parent you are taking care of your plant's needs. The plants we grow indoors are heavily reliant on us for survival. It's a responsibility and by doing this, you extend your nurturing side to our green friends.

4. You are organized

If all of your plants aren’t dead, then give yourself credit for being organized, even if you wouldn’t normally say you are. Plants require consistent care to keep them alive.

This doesn’t have to be a strict routine of watering at the same time every day, even if we miss it sometimes, thankfully, plants are forgiving. If the plants are alive we can be proud that it's because we have organized the time to take care of their needs.




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