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Naomi Stephens | Permaculture Designer

The Easiest Way to Grow Maitake Mushrooms at Home

Updated: Mar 4

Maitake mushrooms are one of the most delicious types of mushrooms out there, and they're also incredibly healthy! Did you know that maitake mushrooms can help boost your immune system and fight cancer? They're worth growing at home. This blog post will discuss the easiest way to grow maitake mushrooms at home. Stay tuned for tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your mushroom garden!

Grow Maitake mushrooms at home

Why Maitake Mushrooms are Worth Growing at Home

If you haven't tried maitake mushrooms before, you're in for a treat. Also known as "hen of the woods," these mushrooms have a meaty texture and a rich, almost buttery flavor. Maitake mushrooms grow in clusters on hardwood trees, often near oak or elm trees.

In traditional Chinese medicine, maitake mushrooms were believed to have detoxifying properties and were even said to bring good luck when found in the wild. These versatile mushrooms can be enjoyed cooked or raw in various dishes, adding depth and umami flavor to soups, salads, pasta, and more.

While Maitake mushrooms are often prized for their culinary uses, they also offer numerous health benefits. Research has shown that maitake mushrooms contain essential antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they may help to regulate blood sugar levels and boost immune function.

Maitake mushrooms are also a great source of vitamin D, providing a plant-based alternative for those looking to increase their intake of this vital vitamin. Ultimately, incorporating maitake mushrooms into your regular diet can positively impact your overall health and well-being.

One of maitake mushrooms' most exciting medicinal properties is their ability to attack and fight cancer cells. A Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center study found that maitake extract induced apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in bladder and breast cancer cells.

Maitake has also been shown to enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs in treating both lung and liver cancers. So not only can maitake mushrooms add a rich, earthy flavor to your dish, but they may also help to boost your body's defense against cancer cells.

The Easiest Way to Grow Maitake Mushrooms at Home

Grow Maitake mushrooms at home

Now that we've discussed why maitake mushrooms are worth growing at home, let's understand how to do it. Growing mushrooms may seem daunting, but with a bit of patience and the right conditions, it can be surprisingly easy! Here is a step-by-step guide on how to grow maitake mushrooms at home:

1. Growing Maitake with a Kit

1. Start with a maitake mushroom kit. You can find these online or at your local garden center.

2. Create the right environment for your mushrooms. Maitake mushrooms prefer dark, humid conditions with 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures. You can create this environment by setting up a growing tent or placing your mushroom kit in a closet or cupboard.

3. Follow the instructions that come with your mushroom kit. This usually involves adding water to the growing medium and regularly misting the mushrooms.

4. Be patient! It can take several weeks for your mushrooms to start growing. Once they do, you can enjoy them fresh or cook.

2. How to Grow Maitake from Spawn and Growing Medium:

1. Start by purchasing maitake mushroom spawn. You can find these reasonably priced on Amazon

4oz/100grams Maitake Mushroom Spawn available on Amazon:

2. Purchase a suitable growing medium, such as wood chips or straw. I always pressure-cook my growing medium to eliminate competing microbes.

2. Inoculate the growing medium with the spawn according to the instructions that come with it. This usually involves mixing the spawn and medium and placing them in a mushroom growing bag.

3. Create the right environment for your mushrooms. Maitake mushrooms prefer dark, humid conditions with 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures.

You can create this environment by setting up a growing tent or placing your inoculated medium in a closet or cupboard.

4. After a few weeks, the bag will turn white, meaning the maitake has fully covered the growing medium. When this happens, cut small holes into the bag and mist twice daily with a spray bottle.

You should see mushrooms starting to grow soon after.

Tips for Success:

  • Mushrooms need darkness to grow, so keep your growing area dark as much as possible.

  • Regular misting is vital to keeping your mushrooms healthy, so be sure to mist them at least once daily.

Are you looking to eat some fresh Maitake while you wait? Check out our store below for fresh Maitake mushrooms delivered to the United States.

We don't have Maitake Kits in stock, but we have other gourmet mushroom kits. See below.


With patience and the right conditions, growing maitake mushrooms at home can be surprisingly easy! Whether you use a kit, log, spawn, or medium, keep your mushrooms in a dark, humid environment and mist them regularly.

With these tips, you'll enjoy fresh maitake mushrooms in no time!

Check out our store for some mushroom-lover designs, gifts, and gourmet mushroom kits!

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